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1. What are E-Statements?

E-Statements stands for electronic statements. This service will allow you to receive your statements electronically via Online Banking versus the traditional paper statement sent through the mail.

2. What do I need to register for E-Statements?

You will need access to It’s Me 247, an e-mail address and Adobe Reader software installed on your computer. If you do not have Adobe Reader software, you can click here to install it:

Get Acrobat Reader 

3. How do I register for E-Statements?

Registration is simple. You simply log on to your account using It’s Me 247 via our website, , and click on view your statements to enroll. You will need to read and accept the agreement document and key in the e-mail address to which you would like your statement notifications sent.

4. How quickly will I be able to view my statements online?

If you receive a monthly or quarterly statement, your next statement will be accessible online. For example, if you register on April 24, then your April statement will be accessible to you online by May 4.

5. How will I know when the statements will be ready for me to view?

You will be notified via e-mail (sent to the e-mail address you supplied us during registration) that your statement is ready.

6. What if my e-mail address changes?

Please contact the credit union by calling us at 231/843-2323 or email us at [email protected].

7. How many statements will I be able to view online?

You will be able to view up to 12 months of statements online. You may print or save the statement to your computer for longer retention.

8. Will I receive promotional material or the newsletter electronically?

No. However, all promotional material and the monthly newsletter will be available at the credit union and on our website,, if you wish to view it.

9. Is there a fee for this service?

No. This is an added benefit and another Safe Harbor Credit Union advantage!

10. What if I need help, whom do I call?

If you need help with this service or any other Safe Harbor service, you may call Safe Harbor Credit Union at 231/843-2323 or email [email protected]

11. How do I cancel this service?

Click the Personal Preferences button on the It’s Me 247 main menu, then click Statement Options on the panel along the left. Choose the option near the bottom of the page, “I no longer wish to receive my statements electronically” and click Accept.

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